Profile PictureProducer Alliance

Arsen & Denzell Sample Pack

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Find the sounds you need for your tracks on this totally free sample pack provided by Arsen and Denzell. It contains samples used on their tracks released on Revealed, Exposed, etc.

This product contains:

ADSP Claps [6 samples]

ADSP Crash [2 samples]

ADSP Hat [2 samples]

ADSP Rides [2 samples]

ADSP Kicks [6 samples]

ADSP Loops [6 samples]

ADSP Percussions [6 samples]

ADSP Snares [6 samples]

ADSP Effects [6 samples]

ADSP Sounds [6 samples]

ADSP Synths [6 samples]



59,4MB uncompressed/43,3MB compressed

Format: 48Khz / 24Bit Stereo PCM .wav files

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Arsen & Denzell Sample Pack

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